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Aviation hero photo: aviator stadning in front of his plane wearing flight jacket and holdijng his helmet


At UmeVoice we've always been passionate about Aviators. Whether they're the hobbyists who fly on their specially made aircraft, search and rescue professionals who rescue lives, firefighters who swoop down in helicopters and airplanes to put out the increasing fires worldwide, we've made a strong commitment to work tirelessly to design and improve the technology that allows these individuals to communicate effectively.

We're now proud to have both individual civil aviation pilots as well as well known aviation companies as our customers.

– Ryan Southam, Aerobatic Pilot, New Zealand – UmeCobra
We really do like the mics, we did skid training without masks to test the quality and it worked very well.
We have completed our testing with the microphone and used it during our recent rescue training. The microphone performed great and our unit is very happy with it.
Fresno, CA Sheriff Dept.
Fresno Copunty sheriff standing on helicopter skid using the boom mic
Netapp cofounder Michael Malcom flanked by two people standing in front of a P-51 Mustang airplane
The cockpit noise level in a P-51 Mustang is about as bad as it gets in any airplane, especially at high power settings. With every mic I have used before I discovered the UmeCobra, ATC has consistently found my transmissions to be unintelligible at climb power settings, and usually only “3 by 3” at cruise settings. They couldn’t even understand my requests for a “radio check” at climb power. Today, I took off using your UmeCobra Turbo, retracted the gear, and started reducing to climb power. The Tower asked me a question right after I got the throttle set to 47 inches Hg, but before I could reduce the RPM from 3000 to 2700 RPM. I answered his question and requested a “radio check.” He immediately replied, “loud and clear.” I had no trouble with radio communications through the flight!
– Michael Malcom, co-founder of NetApp
Switching to the UmeCobra microphone, improved our communication by a huge margin. Standing on the side of the helicopter hoisting, even in strong winds, the squelch closes and when talking on the intercom or radio, the UmeCobra microphone suppresses the wind and engine noises to a much lower level and makes our critical communication clear and effortless, improving safety during hoist operations
– Jes Christensen, Hoist operator/helicopter technician KN Helicopters A/A Denmark
Jes Christensen, Hoist operator standing in front of a KN Helicopters A/A Denmark helicopter
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UmeCobra 150 ohm UmeCobra 150 ohm dynamic microphone swivel

UmeCobra 150 ohm dynamic microphone swivel housing for rotating/swivel booms.

Our Price: $175.00
theBoom Pro2 theBoom Pro2

Noise cancelling headset for cell phones, office phones, landlines, computer dictation and VOIP. Over the head design with two leatherette padded speakers.

Our Price: $275.00
UmeCobra 5 ohm dynamic Microphone swivel UmeCobra 5 ohm dynamic Microphone swivel

Cobra Microphone for Aviation and Professional Racing.

Our Price: $175.00
theBoom Quiet microphone theBoom Quiet microphone

theBoom Quiet microphone

Replacement microphone for theBoom Quiet.

Our Price: $150.00
theBoom X theBoom X

Bluetooth headset with our world class noise cancelling microphone. Stereo sound. Connects wireless to any bluetooth capable device. Included: 1 Bluetooth headset, 1 noise canceling microphone, 1 micro USB charging cable, 1 3.5mm to 3.5mm audio cable, 1 quick start guide

Our Price: $300.00
UmeCobra 5 ohm dynamic Microphone plug-in UmeCobra 5 ohm dynamic Microphone plug-in

Cobra Microphone for Aviation and Professional Racing.

Our Price: $175.00